This post is going to be a wild ride. Be prepared to switch subjects frequently, with little or no warning. If you get sick on roller coasters, I recommend logging off now.
The project required rigorous testing. Finally a pay off for moving to the third floor! Lucky for us all of the neighbor children were faster then a falling box of eggs.
The spikes were designed not only to soften the impact, but to roll the box and spread the impact over a larger surface area (I've been thinking about this for a while). Mikkena told me that after seeing the finished project her classmates all wrote that they expected her project to fail. But.................
Success! Take that 9-year-olds.
Every now and then Amber and I run into something that is so amazing and enriches our lives so much that we can't imagine how we ever lived life with out it. The following is a short list of some of those things.
1. Uncooked tortillas: Until a visit to my Sister-in-law's house on Pioneer Day, I have always purchased pre-cooked tortillas. I never realized that there was a difference. My friends, there is a difference. I have one thing to say to pre-cooked tortillas, you're dead to me.
2. Totos: The people that know what I'm talking about are nodding right now.
3. Big Brother 10: If you have ever sat in a closet for two hours trying to get a better signal from your neighbor's wireless internet just so you can catch the latest internet feed, the show is good. Not that we have ever done that.