Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It seems like yesterday....

It seems like yesterday. I was supposed to be studying for a final but instead I was looking out the window at a beautiful girl talking on her cell phone. She looked happy. She was laughing and smiling. I wished that she was laughing and smiling about me.

It seems like yesterday that I challenged the cutest girl to the English class debate. I hoped that I would crush her and that she would love me for it. Yes, that's me. I'm the kid that hit all of the girls I had crushes on in elementary school. It sounds dumb, but I think in this case it worked.

It seems like yesterday that I picked you up for our first date. You were playing Bob Marley in your town home. I waited outside your door for a few seconds before I knocked. I had butterflies in my stomach.

It seems like yesterday that we sat on your stairs talking about the future. Suddenly the future made sense. I could picture you and I growing old together. The future seemed less scary and more complete with you in it.

It seems like yesterday that I sat across the alter from you, staring into your eyes. I saw eternity. I saw love. I saw you.

I love you more than you know. Happy fifth anniversary.



Stacie said...

Again, I'm intruding, but I just wanted to wish you guys Happy Anniversary (yeah - 5 years)!

Brittanie said...

Okay, maybe it's because I'm a sap, or maybe because of the hormones, but that brought tears to my eyes.

Happy Anniversary Jared. I'm so glad you brought Amber (and Mikkena) into our family.

I was going to send you a card. And I lost my brain somewhere and forgot to get you one.

Anyway, Happy Anniversary to the both of you!!!

Sherine said...

Hey do you guys want to bring Mikenna over one night so you can go on an anniversary date? Am I too late? Did you already go?

Happy 5 years!

Allison said...

Hi Jared! This is Adam's wife. I read your comment on my blog and will be sure to tell Adam about it. He's mentioned you several times and will be very happy to know of your blog.

Happy anniversary, by the way! We also recently celebrated our 5th.

♥Shally said...


Happy Anniversary!!

Heathcliff Combustible Huxtible said...

Hey Jared, it's Adam Lewis. Thanks for getting in contact with me. I was seriously just starting to think that all my old mission buddies hated me becuase I don't live in Utah. I really wish I coulda seen you when I was in Utah last week. Send me an email at and we can catch up a little.